Test environment

If you want to contribute to this library, you’re welcome. This section will help you to prepare your development environment.

How to prepare environment?

Doctrine library is available for MySQL and PostGreSQL.

  1. [Install docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/),

  2. Go to the docker directory and start docker

cd <project_directory>
cd docker
docker-compose up -d
cd ..

Done! Your environment is ready with five services:

  1. A MySQL5.7 service, you can connect to database with mysql://main@main:

  2. A MySQL8.0 service, you can connect to database with mysql://main@main:

  3. A PostGreSQL service, you can connect to database with mysql://main@main:

  4. A PHP7.4 service, you can test it via: docker exec spatial-php7 php -v

  5. A PHP8.0 service, you can test it via: docker exec spatial-php8 php -v

Composer is installed on spatial-php7 and spatial-php8.

docker exec spatial-php7 composer -v
docker exec spatial-php8 composer -v

How to start test?

Copy docker/phpunit.*.xml to the project directory

cp docker/phpunit.*.xml .

Then, you can launch the test on php7, then php8:

docker exec spatial-php7 composer test-mysql5.7
docker exec spatial-php7 composer test-mysql8.0
docker exec spatial-php7 composer test-pgsql
docker exec spatial-php8 composer test-mysql5.7
docker exec spatial-php8 composer test-mysql8.0
docker exec spatial-php8 composer test-pgsql

After any update, before any commit, simply check your code with this composer command:

docker exec spatial-php7 composer check-quality-code